Monday 12 May 2014

Ten of my favourite pi projects this year

I tend to blog an awful lot and after a few weeks some of the best stuff tends to get pushed to the back of my blog away from viewers eyes, so as we are coming up to the half way mark through the year I thought I'd go back over some of my projects and in no particular order.

The raspwik was the first, it had something that no other project had up to this point and that was well documented instructions which led me to enjoy and actually perform all the projects listed.

The raspberry sat nav next which even featured on adafruit site, who needs a tomtom when you have this.

There was bitcoin mining on the pi.

The issabove project on kick starter that was hugely successful.

Time lapse photography was another that I've been doing on and off for the past year, yet really simply with these instructions.

But that soon led to using a pi noir camera and filming nighttime wildlife.

The next biggest thing was building my own robot, it's still not finished yet, but has had many hours of coding and time out into it.

Lastly was my modified model a pi, I needed to remove the av and sound blocks as they were not going to be used and to increase air flow etc to my airpi weather station.  However it soon came apparent that some thought it was a new pi which led me to do this blog post along with a comment right at the bottom to say it was actually a model a with bits removed. When you do read the blog have time to read some of the comments from people who jumped the gun and didn't read my comment at the bottom.

Ok so that was eight and not ten but. No doubt a couple more could work their way on here in the next few weeks. Thank you for reading.

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